Marco S – 24 Years old – Is realizing his thesis project at SEA Vision, in the technical department dedicated to the 4.0 software suite development. We interviewed him to take a closer look at his journey.
Which university and course are you attending?
I am enrolled at the University of Pavia and I am pursuing a Master Degree in Mathematics. I joined the LM+ project, which includes an additional semester within the company.
What is your thesis about?
The objective of my work is to realize a Condition Monitoring program. Its purpose is to find a mathematical Machine Learning model that allows the detection of anomalies within the production machine. I use and analyze instantaneous and historical data provided by the machine for the patternization of its normal behavior and consequently, to detect the insurgence of anomalies the moment the machine deviates from these patterns.
How is SEA Vision helping you to finish your work?
The company is providing me with data I can manipulate. Together with our internal tutors, we have thought about various approaches to which direct the experimental phase. They have given me access to the simulator being used to perform tests while we wait for the real data and they supported me at all times, regardless of the many obligations.
As a student, how are you experiencing this transition from the classroom to the office?
I am very comfortable with the company culture since I always desired to enter the workforce as soon as possible. My internship with SEA Vision made me certain that I will immediately pursue a career path over a possible Ph.D.