ChecKITpin is a hardware kit designed for the automatic detection of pinholes and microcracks in aluminum-aluminum type blisters, which can occur during the cold forming process of the blister cavities.
A high-speed, high-accuracy unit that is the ideal solution for pinhole detection in blisters.
Pinholes and microcracks deteclable size of 10 microns
Control the complete foil surface, with customizable length
Eliminate the risk of non-hermetic blister
Simple calibration and automatic operation
Designed for an easy installation
ChecKITpin is a complete solution that combines a hardware Kit with a software developed by SEA Vision to eliminate the risk of non-hermetic blister packs, finding defects that are otherwise impossible to be identified.
The system, based on high sensitivity detection of infrared radiation, is capable to detect very small microcracks and pinholes down to 10microns diameter – and the foil width is configurable to ensure a complete and accurate inspection.
In case of pinholes detection, ChecKITpin communicates a signal to the machine to reject the defective blister, ensuring a fail-safe process.
The hardware compact design is realized to fit all the available models of blister machines, to achieve an unbeatable cost-efficiency ratio in terms of production quality and safety.
The system is compliant with all the pharmaceutical industry regulations. It has been designed according to GMP to ensure compatibility with any production environment.

ChecKITpin is natively integrated with Yudoo, the 4.0 pharmaceutical software suite for the full management of automation processes, digital quality, data analysis and for Track&Trace. A digital hub that is everywhere accessible through a secure-access web interface or dedicated devices.
A scalable and modular suite, including tools for automation (centralized management of production, workflows, and timesheet), for the digital quality (creation of paperless systems, support systems for line clearance operations), for data analysis (analysis of production data, business intelligence dashboard, condition monitoring and predictive maintenance) and for Track and Trace (complete solutions for Level 3 and 4 of serialization, monitoring of serialization operations).
Yudoo offers multiple advantages such as the possibility to centralize production formats and data, avoiding duplicates, and reducing work time. The suite can connect to existing company systems to retrieve updated data exactly from where they are.
SEA Vision provides an extensive product portfolio of natively integrated solutions. Vision, traceability and data management solutions for pharmaceutical packaging lines are developed with a common approach to obtain a seamless ecosystem.