
Regulatory Track and Trace in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan

Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan have introduced new regulatory obligations for the drugs circulation. Let’s see how SEA Vision can support the pharmaceutical companies of both Countries to comply with the new Track&Trace rules.

Pavia, February 17th 2022 – As already happened in Russia 3 years ago, also the government of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan has adopted an official Traceability system to prevent counterfeiting and create a safe medicine distribution in their countries.

To produce and distribute the medicine to the market, the manufacturers, MAHs, importers or distributors of these Countries must comply with the regulation issued by the government according to the following deadlines: in Uzbekistan starting from February 1st, 2022, and in Kazakstan from July 1st, 2023.

SEA Vision had a very wide experience and developed complete Serialization and Aggregation solutions for all the pharma markets worldwide, regardless the complexity of the integration imposed by the local different Government Bodies. Not only the EU FMD in Europe or DSCSA in the United States, but also the most complex like the Russian MDLP.

This fact allowed SEA Vision to be already selected by pharmaceutical customers producing pharma products for Uzbekistan and to be already registered as official integrator for those markets by the authorities.

The existing connection with Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan authorities allows SEA Vision to understand the different steps of the requirements and develop the dedicated solution safely, efficiently, and rapidly. As done in Russia in the last 3 years, where the integration with CRPT is now complete, software department is actively working to complete the last open points of the collaboration and to release the dedicated Track&Trace Software compliant to Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan rules.

Gianluca Sala, Crypto-Code serialization expert of SEA Vision explains: “Our 100% focus in pharma grants us the ability to constantly evolve our solutions to adapt to new requirements. This was the key to success for Russia specific case, because we flexibly faced the challenges of Crypto-code integration, multiple reporting to government portals, print and inspect small-module codes reducing significantly the rejections maintaining production performance speed.”

“Our experience in Russia says this” continues Federico Finotti, CIS Branch Director: the software we developed is written in a so efficient way not only to comply with the present procedures but is ready to integrate all the further development that the regulatory bodies will decide to be mandatory in the next steps.  In this way will be easy to integrate new features without major changes to the product: an important and very strategic decision for us and for our clients, who can be sure to use the best possible serialization software on the market.”

The Russian system complexity represented by the exchange of serial number consisting of a huge number of data (much more than in the rest of Europe) that need to be transferred according to the procedures has been a challenge for SEA Vision. Today the system avoids problems of interoperability caused by the Crypto-Code and related to the acquisition of serial number, printing and sending. The connection system enables SEA Vision solutions to manage the required workflow, providing all the information to the vision systems present on the packaging lines and then to the Markirovka.

The same challenge is now facing the Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan – but not a challenge anymore for SEA Vision people – also because the regulatory in this case is much simpler than the Russian one: less interactions, simpler procedure at present time. And in case of unexpected Regulation further development, the SEA Vision software is ready to evolve in the right direction, together with our Customers in Uzbekistan and Kazakstan.


For more info:

Press Office SEA Vision:
Maria Grazia Preda
[email protected]