
SEA Vision supports TEDXPavia 2023. The theme ‘choices’ at the centre of the event

TEDXPavia 2023 theme 'choices'

Pavia (Italy), May 12, 2023 – ‘Choices’. This is the keyword of the 2023 edition of TEDx Pavia, the cultural divulgation format whose goal is to stimulate reflection and share valuable ideas. SEA Vision will be the main sponsor of the event that will be held on 19 May 2023 – starting at 20:00 – at the Teatro Fraschini, the city theatre that was already the stage of all previous editions of TEDx.

“When you play a first-level role in a multinational industrial company, you face choices every day: each of them represents a unique opportunity to evolve and grow,” says Michele Cei, CEO of SEA Vision. (…)”

Choice is, finally, the attempt to follow a path that can generate identity. In the case of SEA Vision, this is embodied in the willingness to support cultural, artistic, and local initiatives or projects, alongside daily business activities.