Since 2019 SEA Vision is the main sponsor of TEDxPavia. The main purpose of these conferences is to stimulate reflections, open the mind, inspire and share valuable ideas. SEA Vision has decided to give its support to this project because of the values that shares with the Ted philosphy. In fact, it is part of SEA vision mission to “promote innovation, not only in technological terms but as a culture of dissemination of knowledge for shared and continuous improvement”. The new challenges, intellectual, technological, has moved SEA Vision to be involved in the global Think Thank represented by TED and its independent declinations, the TEDX, whose extraordinary quality is to bring state-of-the-art communication standards and approach intellectual issues inspired by the philosophy of open and shared thought – as an indispensable lever for growth and collective social progress. The territorial, social, technological, personal and professional growth represents a challenge for SEA Vision, which inspires its daily approach to the working method.
TED (Technology Entertainment Design) is a conference held every year in Monterey, California and, since some years, is now hold in other cities around the world through independent organizations working to disseminate knowledge and ideas. The mission of TED can be summarized in the formula “ideas worth spreading” (ideas worthy of being widespread) and the conferences -in fact- cover a wide range of topics, from science to global themes, culture and others. International conferences are also published on the TED website.