Headquartered in Italy, we have branches in 8 countries worldwide. You can find us in the USA, Spain, France, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Russia, and China. Find here our offices and the contact of the reference person for your country.
SEA Vision S.r.l. a socio unico
via Claudio Treves, 9 E
27100 Pavia, Italy
T. +39 0382 529576
SEA Vision France
6 bis, Rue du Parc des Vergers
91250 Tigery, France
T. +33 1 69899485
R.C. ELECTRONICA, S.L. Avda. Universitat Autònoma 13, Parc Tecnològic del Vallès, 08290, Cerdanyola del Vallès, Barcelona, Spain
T. +34 93 5800416
Lima 1368 (B1640DBL), Martínez,
Buenos Aires, Argentina
T. +54 11 48362800
SEA Vision MX S.A. de C.V.
Av. Rio Mixcoac 43, Credito Constuctor, Benito Juarez, 03940 Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico
T. +52 55 87968004
S.V.L.A. Rastreabilidade e Controle Ltda.
Rua Mergenthaler, 94 – CEP 05311-030,
Vila Leopoldina, São Paulo – SP, Brazil
T. +55 11 3798-7800/7900
S.V.L.A. Rastreabilidade e Controle Ltda.
Rua Maria Miguel Abrão, QD61 N20, Setor Sul Jamil Miguel, Anápolis – GO, Brazil
T. +55 62 3313-5620
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